Sunday, November 25, 2012


I have to promise you that I will be here usually and posting almost every day!! ;) I know I have been separated for a long of the fashion world and I couldn’t be online on Twitter and Instagram if you want to follow me click on the social names.
Well, you know we have a crazy time every day because you can go outside to home and it’s cloudy and cold, then after the weather changes and it’s warm and sunny, that is really annoying because you have a big jacket, a sweater and a shirt and you have to take them off because it’s really hot. But I am starting to be used. And it’s excellent to wear great pair of shoes, right now the really cool and wearable are the slippers, they are really chic and elegant and comfortable. You can find in a lot of designs and materials like leather, buckskin or velvet and in a lot of colors, with some metallic pieces. And you can wear them with a casual look or with leather pants with a white shirt and a military jacket or also with a feminine look. And I felt in love in a pair of these shoes designed by Cèline. 

Have a nice day

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